Marina Suriname


Besides the increasing visits of international sailors, overall tourism to Suriname grows annually. This is not surprising. Suriname is an interesting country, with its multicultural population consisting of Creoles, Hindustani, Javanese, Chinese, Jews, and of course the natives Indians. Suriname's area is four times as large as the Netherlands but has only 500,000 inhabitants. Depending on who you speak you can imagine yourself in Africa, India or Indonesia.
From Domburg, you can make beautiful trips to the interior and villages in the pristine jungle. The rivers and the local airports are the means to enter the beautiful interior. Unforgettable impressions everywhere.
From the government, there is a positive attitude to promote tourism.

A video impression made by sailors from the Cool Change called "Suriname: A Simple Freedom (Sea Change - Chapter 5) can be found on their site, www.seachangelog.com


As of 17-10-2019 the tourist card must be requested online at the site suriname.vfsevisa.com, the costs are $35 or €40.



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