Our friend Huib Oskam the Dutchman. Huib is in the process of building the Harbour Resort Domburg, a new marina adjacent to the Domburg Landing with floating docks, a restaurant, and all the amenities that cruisers need. The seawall was finished while we were there, the floating dock was next on his agenda, and he expects to have the entire project completed by New Years - but he will likely beat that target. Suriname has many Dutch businessmen, and typically their work ethic, standards, and service are first-world all the way - and they are predictably frustrated on a daily basis while trying to maintain high standards while operating in a Third-World country. Huib is a friendly and energetic fellow - and a very successful international businessman. He speaks about 6 different languages, and unlike many businessmen he understands what sailboat cruisers need and can afford. We think that his marina will make the Domburg Landing an affordable and desirable destination for yachts. His floating dinghy dock will make access so much easier than the current situation with the rocky beach and 2 to 3 meters of tide.